Mycelium-based hearing loss prevention earplugs.
With hearing loss prevention on everyone’s mind, this product cuts through the noise… literally. SoundTopia earplugs are 100% sustainable, made entirely out of mycelium, sweat resistant, and applicable to all types of activities.
The inspiration started when I attended a workout class and felt as though I was attending a concert. However, none of the earplugs I brought next time worked properly. I discovered that events we attend (workout classes, concerts, weddings, and sporting events) are all at 100 decibel levels or higher, which can damage our ears in just under two minutes. Mycelium is extremely sound absorbent and water resistant, as well as sustainable.
Proposed as an internal pitch to Sonova, asking for a $6M investment, SoundTopia utilizes a three model approach—B2B, D2C, and B2G—capitalizing on fitness studios/music venues, individuals, and military workers, respectively. I delved into industry trends, market opportunity, competitive analysis, financial projections, and developed a one-year marketing campaign called ‘Hear It All.’